I know it seems that when you are pregnant, expenses just keep mounting! You have to buy baby clothes, baby slings, baby swings, car seats, strollers, bassinets, cribs, high chairs and so much more. You borrow and buy maternity clothes, squeezing into your guy’s biggest T-shirts and stretching those maternity pants as far as they can go. And every time you turn around, you hear of something else you’re expected to have on hand for baby, or you’re reminded of your next payment to the doctor or midwife.
It’s understandable that paying for a doula or for childbirth classes is down somewhere on the list of “if I can, I will….” That is, UNTIL…until the countdown has begun and all of a sudden you realize that your baby’s due date is fast approaching and regardless of whether or not your baby has 6 gowns and 7 sleepers and a stack of diapers ready…you’re going to be in labor and nobody else can do that for you. All of a sudden, birth prep classes and a doula become very important!
In truth, newborns can actually get by with very few gadgets. And this incredible event of birth usually only happens to you a few times in a lifetime. And… it is a life-changing experience every single time.
The most helpful things you might want to set aside money for is taking really good childbirth classes and hiring a caring doula to help you through labor and birth. Many things really won’t be necessary for quite some time, but giving yourself the gift of knowledge, training, relaxation and skill to help you through one of the most powerful, poignant, life-changing days of your life can be the very best thing you can do.
Having a childbirth instructor help prepare you and your partner for birth, relieving your fear and anxiety, teaching you how to relax and do simple things that can relieve pain in labor, equipping you and empowering you to make informed decisions, learning about breastfeeding, postpartum and how to calm a newborn and figure out why they are crying…those are very important things that can make a huge difference in the experience of labor and birth and new motherhood or fatherhood.
Having a doula assist you in labor and birth, staying by your side 24/7, relieving your fear, keeping you calm, encouraging you, doing hands-on techniques to relieve discomfort or pain in labor, explaining procedures, answering your questions and helping your husband or birth partner know how to best help you…those are very important things worth saving for. And they last a lot longer than the newest cell phone or TV.
To learn more about what is behind a doula’s fee and how you might find reduced rates or volunteer doulas, click on I Can’t Afford a Doula, but I Want One.And to learn more about the birth prep curriculum I developed, click on Childbirth Classes.
I was lucky, I didn t have to hire a doula because my mom is oneBut I m the kind of person who would rather give birth alone in the woods haha. I didn t want anyone touching me. She did have some good suggestions, and I think my husband was glad to have some support ??
So nice to get good, supportive advice from your mom, Michaelmn! 🙂 Sometimes when women don’t want to be touched in labor, it’s because the person touching them is using a somewhat light touch. A light touch can sometimes actually increase pain for a woman in labor, but deep pressure often relieves pain. Kind of like how if a person smashes their thumb, they don’t lightly stroke it, lol, but they grab it and apply deep pressure. We instinctively know to apply deep pressure to relieve difficult pain, and it can work the same way in labor…except the helper needs to know where to apply the pressure. 🙂 Thanks for your comment!